Chris Richards
Chris has an education in Trad Graphic Design and Art history and started his career through the smartphone revolution.
Understanding and embracing the ever-changing digital spectrum in software and hardware, he has over 14 years experience in a wide range of digital outfits: from Creative designer outputs such as branding, illustration and motion graphics, to systematic UXD covering system design, app and web-design. With a hands-on approach, Chris leads from the font, inspiring and mentoring a growing design team, while spearheading large pitch to delivery.
An impressive roster of FTSE 100 companies, his clients in digital include: Dropbox, Virgin Media, Met Office, Swissquote, AXA, Disney, Kia, National Trust, Liberty Global, Sony PlayStation – LittleBigPlanet and GOV UK.
Group Talk details
The Practitioners Guide to the AI Galaxy
Chris and Gareth, long-time collaborators and close friends within Bristol’s vibrant creative and UX community, have always been strong advocates for innovation in the digital space.
In their upcoming talk, they will explore the contrast between hype and real-world impact for professionals in UX design, development, and creative direction. Through a practical demonstration of a prototype currently in development, they will showcase how and when AI was employed in a commercial workflow. They will also discuss the most effective ways to utilise these tools, while emphasising the importance of AI safety and transparency.